martedì 7 settembre 2010

9/7/10 our journey to the supermarcata

So yesterday we had our first day of the week of intensive Italian. The only class we have all week is basically a 5 hour crash course of Italian per day. We learned a lot of useful "survival italian" even though everyone in my class is basically set. our new favorite phrase is "Ubriaca in Umbria" aka I am drunk in Umbria. We also learned that when you say "come stai", "how are you" isnt used the same as it is in the states. It literally means, how are you feeling? in the sense of being sick and Italians never really use the phrase. And its embarrassing because of course us trying to act all italian and speak with the natives and we are all asking them essentially if they have stomach aches...  Our college isnt exactly the same as most colleges, its really just a building with a few classrooms but its still nice. 
 After class we went to the bookstore to check out books for our classes and i found the ENTIRE harry potter series, in Italian. So of course I bought the Sorcerer's Stone, and I also bought Fight Club in Italian book form.

When we walked out we ran into a marching parade that we ended up following and watching for a while. It was pretty sick.

 roomie Ali and I walked to the edge of the city to go to the track to run! when we got there the guy wanted us to pay 1.50 euro to use the track, but we had no money so he just let it slide. the scenery around the track was so cool. Everything was very antique and ancient looking, and a lot cooler than anything around tracks at home. On the way back, we got lost, but i am so glad we did because we found the most amazing view of the rest of the city. On the way back we stopped at the macelliao (butcher shop) and a market and made dinner for la nostra famiglia.

And here is my room! That is my roommate Noelle's bed, and I am in the nook in the back

Apparently Italians are super tall because all of our closets are enormous. I also have a great view into a terrace and I brought all of my loves from home and hung them up on my door :)

After dinner we went out to the piazza and sat and drank wine with the whole city of Perugia and its students.  At night everyone congregates on the steps.  Our neighbors that we met the first day were there so we hung out with them. One is named Vasili and he is from Athens and the other is Giorgio and he is from Mehico. Vas is a DJ and I possibly have a job bartending at the bar tomorrow...
    Todayyy we had Italian again and then we took a field trip with our professor on the mini metro to the market across the city. We did some serious grocery shopping. But it was our first italian grocery store experience, and it was very eventful. You have to pay 1 Euro to take a shopping cart, the way all of the meat is packaged is  DIGUSTING, there are bones and full animals everywhere. Even the way the seafood is packaged is reallly weird. But I bought the equivalent to a Digiorno pizza in the frozen food section, thought it was kind of funny.  One of our roommates bought a membership card to the grocery store so we could get good discounts but we had to go back home to get her passport to sign her up, and i had to translate everything because everyone that was helping us was speaking "velociamente", very fast.  But everything was purchased successfully. Coming back with all of that food however was miserrrablleee. we had to take the mini metro and walk through "il centro" the center, with all these bags on the verge of ripping. But everything worked out for the best because we had another nice family dinner and we are now all down the street at our friends apartment mooching off of his internet. Oh and today i bought internet so i can finally have it at my own apartment. okay time for bed. Buona Notte! A domani!

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