domenica 19 settembre 2010

First weekend away to to Napoli, Sorrento and Capri 17/9/10

This past Thursday my friends and I finally became motivated on picking somewhere to go for the weekend, researching it and booking it. We originally wanted to go to Cinque Terre, but the weather report for the weekend there was all rain. So we decided to go south, towards the Mediterranean. It started Friday morning at 8:30 with a four hour bus ride to Napoli.  The part of the city where the bus/train station was was disgusting. We were literally there for 3 minutes. We ran in, saw the next train was leaving in 2 minutes and rain to the train.  On the 10 yard sprint to the train, my bar was clipped! We were not even in Napoli for 5 minutes, and I was almost robbed! Thankfully I felt it and my roomie was behind me and yelled at the guy.
    The train ride was about an hour long. But we were entertained by accordion and keyboard players.  Both of which had the cutest little boys with them collecting money for them. We got to Sorrento soon after, and had to hop another bus to our hostel which was about 40 minutes away.  But it was worth it. We got there around 4 and it was amazing. We were right next to a beautiful little beach and we all went swimming immediately.  But it was weird because they don't have sand at their beaches? There were just thousands of these pretty white rocks. And the water was the prettiest and clearest blue ever.
So when we checked in we found out that the hotel had done their trip to the Amalfi Coast that day! I was pretty upset because Michael's family had told me how beautiful it was and I was really excited to go! Instead we signed up for the trip to Capri that they were doing. So that night we all ordered pizza, obviously ate it and went to bed after hanging out for a while. When we went to bed we were looking for a kitten we had seen earlier who was very friendly. We heard it meowing and couldnt find it, but we soon learned it got stuck in the tree! The poor thing was so scared so we told the hostel owners, and they were like it will be out in the am.  Our friend JJ tried to be a hero and climb the tree to save the kitten, but broke the railing in attempt so he quit. The next morning we walked by the tree and the cat was still there but we left for the Island of Capri, which was absolutely gorgeous.  

On the left is a picture coming onto the island, and the right was the saint, or god of Capri welcoming tourists (I was a little sea sick at this point) As soon as we got there my roomie Ali and I laid down to tan and everyone else went to explore.  I am so mad  I didn't go because I guess Kim Kardashian and her mom were shopping in the main Piazza! But I got some serious rays and color instead. The beach we were at were all of those white rocks again, and the water here was even more amazing! 

 We were jumping off of these rocks too for the majority of our swims
After a day of tanning and swimming we headed back to the boat towards our hostel, and we actually were waiting right in the middle of an Italian photoshoot! It was pretty cool because the model was doing her shoot on this really cool authentic Italian boat! We then headed back and found that the kitten had made it out of the tree, and he slept on our laps and purred for the whole night :) We drank some wine, and had a nice dinner, I had calamarri fritti, which was delicious and very fresh, and gnocchi which was also great. We went to bed early and traveled allllll day today. We got to walk around the center of Sorrento for a bit, it was very pretty but very touristy.
When we stopped in Napoli we went to get some famous pizza, but it really wasnt anything different from any other Italian Pizzerias. And on the way home on the train we drove by Mt Vesuvius!
The weekend in whole was amazing to say the least!!

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